
Long war 2 options
Long war 2 options

long war 2 options

In general, you want other factions to like you, as this greatly reduces the chance of them declaring war on you and invading, as well as increased their chance of accepting various pacts/agreements/deals. Reliability ratings from highest to lowest: If a faction breaks a diplomatic agreement, especially a recently made one, that faction's reliability rating will decrease. This means all factions will see you as steadfast or untrustworthy etc. Unlike attitude, which is depenent on the faction, reliability is a global rating. It reflects how trustworthy/reliable you are seen by others, and is separate from attitude (see below) which reflects how much a faction likes another faction. Reliability, also called trustworthiness, is a rating given to factions to indicate how likely they are to break agreements.Ī high trustworthiness rating means other factions will be more likely to offer and accept deals/agreements with you. Tomb King and Vampire Coast factions cannot confederate. For instance some factions cannot negotiate with the Warriors of Chaos during the Chaos Invasion.Īdditionally, Followers of Nagash cannot negotiate with other Tomb Kings factions and vice versa. In some cases you may not be able to engage in diplomacy with a faction. Declare War: begin open hostilities with a faction.Gift: Give a payment of money to the enemy, asking nothing in return.Vassals: Target faction is subjugated by yours.Confederation: Permanent unification with the target faction.Military alliance: Promise to assist each other in wars to come.Defensive alliance: Promise to defend each other in case of an attack.Trade pact: An option to generate income for both sides.Non-aggression pact: A simple promise not to attack each other.Once negotiations are started the central panel can be used to construct a diplomatic proposal.

long war 2 options

The tooltips on the attitude icons shows detailed information about each faction's standing with the player along with the factors influencing one faction’s view towards another are shown on the tooltip of the attitude icons on the Diplomacy screen.Īdditionally, just underneath the AI faction leader's portrait and their strength ranking, their diplomatic traits will be displayed.ĭouble-click a faction to open negotiations. If no second faction has been selected, the central panel shows a list of known factions. Information about the player’s faction is shown on the left panel on the Diplomacy screen.

Long war 2 options